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Retirement Alternatives – to enjoy your best years!

Retirement Alternatives: According to IBGE research, retirement or pension represents 66.2% of the income of elderly people.

This was to be expected since retirement is the best-known financial product on the market to ensure a peaceful old age from a financial point of view.

Retirement Alternatives
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Retirement Alternatives

In this scenario, the INSS, that is, public or social security, is by far the best-known option. Although there are not many options to choose from in this type of arrangement, and it does not offer very advantageous rates of return on investment, it is still a good option and should not be discarded.

After that, private or complementary Pensions have caught our attention the most, especially in recent years when many products (with the most varied rules, too) appeared on the market. They are very important so that you do not depend solely on public pensions and thus seek a higher income for your retirement.

But besides these two options, which are the most traditional, would there be other options?

Well, the third alternative is for you to form and manage your own “retirement fund.” To do this, you must be very disciplined and study the financial market extensively to make your money pay off well and with adequate risk. Analyze very carefully if this is your profile; otherwise, it may be better to leave your money in the hands of ‘professionals.’

Other than that, some other actions can also be taken so that you are not so dependent on your retirement:


Did you know that one of the biggest expenses in old age is related to health? Whether paying for a health plan, buying medicine, or undergoing treatments and medical consultations, the healthier you stay, the more money you will have left to enjoy life effectively! And of course, apart from this financial aspect, no matter how much money you have, without your health, you won’t be able to enjoy it.

Staying active professionally:

The world seems increasingly destined for young people: internet, smartphones, games, etc. But there will always be a place in the job market for the experience of older people. Plan now to continue working on something that is enjoyable and compatible with your age in the future. In addition to helping you keep your health in shape, it will also help improve your monthly income!

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